Metal-Containing Porcelain Structures Are Abandoned Every Day in Orthodontics

Metal-Containing Porcelain Structures Are Abandoned Every Day in Orthodontics

Healthier, more aesthetic and more resilient teeth are obtained by using zirconium, a white alloy, as the substructure. We prefer zirconium-based porcelains confidently because they are natural enough to be used on the front teeth and they are strong enough to be used on the back teeth. These applications make the life of the dentist and the patient easier and increase the quality of their life.

A metal substructure was used under the porcelain tooth for durability in porcelain applications in classical tooth restorations. As this metal substructure is known for its handicaps on gums, dental tissue, general body health and most importantly aesthetics, searches began for an alternative to metal. A new era has begun with the application of zirconium, which has been used successfully in other fields of medicine, in the dentistry instead of porcelain metal.

These new zirconium substrate porcelain coatings stand out from other dental materials with their mechanical resistance, biological compatibility and fracture resistance. It does not cause gingival problems and allergy; it enables us to catch up aesthetics and function close to natural teeth with its light transmission feature.

Cercon Zirconium (Combination of Power and Aesthetics)

The crown (coating) and bridges made by placing porcelain on the zirconium are called CERCON, which is the combination of the words Ceramic and Zirconium. The system with 900 Mpa resistance has started a brand new period in dentistry by covering the highest physical values, light transmittance, tissue compatibility and many different indications. The success of the material has been proven in the field of medicine and industry. As a result of the researches started in 1998, clinical applications have been started all over the world since the beginning of 2002. With this new application, aesthetic concerns in metal-ceramic and all-ceramic restorations are eliminated.

What are the advantages of Cercon Zirconium?
  • Lack of temperature sensitivity
  • Does not cause allergies (fully compatible with the tissue)
  • Color is not dull (not opaque)
  • Perfect gingival fit
  • Hygienic (less microorganism retention on the surface)
  • Fully compatible with body tissues and mouth tissues
Where can Cercon Zirconium be used?
  • Single tooth crown coatings
  • In bridges prepared in posterior tooth defects
  • Implant aesthetic crown - bridge applications
How to apply Cercon Zirconium?

A wax model of your teeth is prepared by the measurement of your teeth. A computer-aided device prepares the framework of your teeth by eroding the zirconium oxide block in line with the information it receives from this model. The work is completed by placing ceramic of suitable color on the structures prepared by etching.

Now, strong and aesthetic restorations without metal can be successfully achieved with the new high-tech zirconium oxide.

What are the advantages for the patient and physician?

Implementation time has been shortened. If desired, a new smile can be provided to the person in one day. The aesthetic quality of the tooth is very high, its light transmittance and posture is like a natural tooth. Since the used porcelain blocks are porcelain blocks are prepared under standard conditions, the physical properties of the material do not change, and the margin of error has been minimized. Since the intermediate stages are reduced, it saves the physician time.

Zirconium has been used for various purposes in various parts of the body, especially hip joint prostheses, and it has been found that it has not had any side effects or harm and has not been allergic to date. Zirconium is a light-resistant element that is resistant to high temperatures, impacts, does not transmit heat and electricity, and is light-transmitting. In addition, it is a healthy material that does not cause taste disorders, gum problems and bad breath.

Does it cause temperature sensitivity?

No. Temperature sensitivity does not develop, because Zirconium Oxide has a heat insulating property.

Does it cause allergy?

No, Zirconium Oxide is a tissue compatible substance and does not cause allergies.

Does it cause gum recession?

No, it has been found in studies that it fits perfectly with the gums. Of course, it cannot stop the recession that naturally develops with age. Since the prepared coatings will be highly compatible with the teeth and gums, gingival recession due to gingivitis will not develop.