It is a method applied to the patients with 'Gummy-smile', where gums appear more than normal when the person smiles. The excess in the gums, which impairs the smile aesthetics, is corrected with a small operation. In these people, aesthetic dentist and periodontologist (gum doctor) work together, and the required level of gingiva and its form is determined. Then the periodontologist corrects the gums to this level. With a local anesthetic performed to the patient, the patient will not feel any pain. Gingivoplasty, a small surgical procedure, will change the smile completely in a short time.
In cases where the aesthetic problem includes the teeth, a perfect smile is designed by applying porcelain lamina after the gum operation.
Gingival Graft
By adding tissue to areas where gum recession is high, teeth that appear longer appear more aesthetic. Another point that concerns gingival aesthetics, is the appearance of asymmetrical gingiva resulting from a collapse in the jawbone or from tooth extraction. This situation is often quite disturbing in the front area. No matter how extraordinarily beautiful porcelain teeth are made, the area where the prepared porcelain will be placed is the gingival base. If a healthy gum tissue doesn’t exist, porcelains will not suit. If there is a tooth loss or papillary loss due to gingival recession, this negative condition must first be eliminated. Lost tissues can be regained with some prosthetic and surgical methods. The procedures to regulate the gum tissue surrounding our teeth and obtain an image in harmony with our teeth are called cosmetic gum arrangements. Usually before the prosthesis; infrastructural interventions related to bone and connective tissue are considered long and tiring sessions by patients, but such interventions are extremely necessary and the results are satisfying for the patient and the dentist.
Dental Scaling & Removal of Tartar
Most of the tooth loss in adults is caused by the gums and the bone that surrounds the teeth. Gingival diseases are caused by plaque, which is a film layer of bacteria that adheres to the surface of the teeth. If the plaque is not cleared, it turns into a tartar (calculus). The accumulation of plaque and tartar causes the destructive bacteria to multiply in our mouth, creating gaps between the teeth and the gums, leading to recession. Bacteria secrete enzymes that cause bone damage around the tooth, and eventually tooth loss.
Dental cleaning is the basis of the fight against gum diseases. Because plaques, tartar and bacteria in the gingival pocket must be removed from the environment. As a result of interventions with ultrasonic devices or suitable hand tools, these harmful formations are removed. These tools certainly do not damage tooth enamel because they are professional tools used by dentists. While cleaning the dental stones, air, water and a special cleaning powder are also used.
The first purpose of dental cleaning is to remove plaques, tartar and some diseased tissues. Therefore, it is a very useful treatment method. If there was an underlying gum recession, naturally roots will be visible after dental cleaning. Patients may think they are exposing the roots by cleaning. In fact, it is the result of recessions caused by poor oral care and dental teeth, not a result of the cleaning process. If gingival recessions cannot be fixed by operation, good oral hygiene is essential to prevent gums from being recessed further. If dental calculus occurs frequently, it means that your oral hygiene is not good. Your dentist, who you should see every 6 months on average, will warn you about this.
Remember that it is in your hands to prevent repetitive plaque formations after dental cleaning. By brushing your teeth and cleaning between them as shown by your dentist, you will get the desired oral health. If you think that the dental calculus is formed quickly after having your teeth cleaned, you should review your brushing method. If a cleaned place gets dirty again, it means that it is not well maintained.
Do not neglect the care of your gums by considering that oral health is a part of general body health and if necessary, make your teeth cleaned.
Treatment of Bleeding Gums
Healthy gums are pink and smooth, and do not bleed while eating and brushing. The main symptoms of gingivitis are gingival bleeding, red-swollen gums, and bad breath. Gum recession, destruction of the alveolar bone and loose teeth due to this are signs of periodontal diseases. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease of the gums and other tissues that support the teeth. As a result of removing the bacterial plaque on the teeth with brushing and flossing, the bacteria in the plaque creates irritation in the gum and the first stage of gingivitis begins.
If not treated, the periodontal fibers that connect the teeth to the gum are destroyed and the inflammation spreads deep and causes the destruction of the alveolar bone. As a result of this destruction, the teeth get loose and after this point, it is not possible to replace the lost bone with treatment
Tartars accumulate on the teeth and gums, causing gum recession. It is not possible to brush it away. It is necessary to see a dentist and get the tartar cleaned. Dental cleaning does not harm the teeth. Teeth may be sensitive for up to a week after cleaning, but it is temporary. Genetic predisposition, diabetes, hormonal factors, pregnancy, menopause, vitamin deficiency, stress, smoking, some medications (antidepressants, antiepileptics), some systemic diseases (immune system diseases, some blood diseases) and age may cause gum diseases.
The effects of hormones in pregnant women and nausea in the first months, along with impaired oral hygiene due to vomiting may cause pregnancy gingivitis. Individuals who are at risk should be examined by the dentist before pregnancy and they should have dental cleaning and polishing and ensure that they can minimize gum problems that may occur during pregnancy.
Healthy Teeth and Gums
If the bacterial plaque is not removed, it hardens, and deposits called tartar are formed. Toxins (harmful substances) produced by bacteria in the plaque damage the gums. Toxins destroy the supporting tissues around the gums, and more bacterial plaques accumulate in the formed periodontal pockets. As periodontal disease develops, pockets become deeper. The bacteria plaque adheres to the exposed root surfaces of the teeth. The bone support of the teeth disappears, and the untreated teeth begin to loosen and eventually gets extracted.
What are the other causes of gum diseases?
Although the main cause of periodontal diseases is bacterial plaque, other factors can also affect the health of your gums. Tobacco irritates your gums. A non-nutritious diet lowers the body's ability to fight diseases. Also, stress can affect the body's ability to prevent diseases. Diseases affecting the body's defense system, such as leukemia or AIDS, can make the condition of the gums worse. In cases where people are very vulnerable to infection, such as uncontrolled diabetes, gum disease is often much more severe and difficult to control.
Hormone changes during pregnancy cause the gums to become redder and more sensitive to the bacterial plaque. An existing gum disease in its early stages may become severe, especially during pregnancy.
How are gum diseases diagnosed?
When dentists suspect the general appearance of the gums, they measure the length of the gingival pocket between the tooth and the gingiva with a tool called the periodontal probe. Periodontal examination should be performed as part of every oral examination in adults. X-ray films can be taken to evaluate bone tissue around the teeth.
How to prevent gum diseases?
You can take important precautions in prevention of periodontal diseases. To lengthen the lifespan of your teeth, the bacterial plaque should be brushed and flossed and regularly removed from the teeth with chemical agents every day.
In addition to those listed above, it is extremely important to have regular visits to the dentist. Although daily oral care keeps the formation of tartars to a minimum, it cannot completely prevent it. A dentist may clean the tartar that you cannot remove with brush or floss. Your dentist can make a personal oral care plan based on your specific needs. With this program, you can apply brushing and flossing without damaging your teeth and gums.
Periodontology, gum diseases, gum surgery
You can get advice from your dentist about oral health products by visiting the dentist regularly. There are many types of toothbrushes, floss, mouthwashes and interdental cleaners on the market. Your dentist will help you choose the most suitable products for you.
Treatment of gum disease in the early stages is usually dental calculus cleaning and root surface flattening. Bacteria deposits and calculus are removed from the gingival pockets and the root surfaces are flattened. By this, bacteria and toxins causing inflammation are removed from the mouth. These procedures, which are applied in the early stages of gum disease, are generally enough for satisfactory results.
In more advanced cases, surgical intervention may be required. The aim of the surgical intervention is to remove the tartars and diseased tissues, smoothing the root surfaces and shaping the gums for easy cleaning.
Patients should see their dentist periodically after treatment. The only way to maintain the positive results obtained with periodontal treatment is brushing the teeth, using floss and chemical agents to remove bacterial deposits regularly. And the most important thing is to be checked at intervals recommended by the dentist.